Participating in building and developing an e-commerce site,integrating the platforms available in the company's ecosystem
Development of a website about transactions from the company'splatform
Building games to integrate with the company's e-commerce siteand ecosystem with the purpose of serving the needs of customers,contributing to diversify the services that the company provides
Platform API : integrated api with ShopeeFood - Grab - Gojek
Loyalty : accumulate points for members; update informationabout points; promote or keep member ranks
Rewards : redeem gifts from the list of rewards loaded on the TCH app; manage customer reward information; manage TCH's reward list by categories; integrate rewards from other providers
Ewallet : process transactions from Loyalty and Reward, manage information customers' accumulated points after each transaction session to sync to the TCH app
Services : microservice system manage and calculate promotions related to orders on THC apps; manage coupon from suppliers to provide many types of discounts for app’s users
APIs for web on Haravan : building api to integrate sales on the web haravan
APIs for web HR - The Coffee House : building api for the company's recruitment web
Internal Purchase : website for internal purchase for the company on Haravan platform
APIs for Order on Tiki : building api to integrated with Tiki